the study 000-886 exam

06/09/2012 11:20

 000-886 test training we provide are in a format of PDF, including all exam questions and answers.

It is different from traditional study materials for not only just help you summarize the main points, these dumps contains the majority of the real test questions which you will see in the study 000-886 exam. In order not to waste your valuable time, we removed all unrelated questions, the questions are enough for you to prepare for your test, we can promise to you that we have the coverage for at least 96%.

We have helped tens of thousands of candidates to complete various kinds of tests and helped them save much time and money.

What is the default purging schedule for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) database?


A. This database must be purged manually.

B. ITM automatically purges this database nightly.

C. ITM automatically purges this database every 7 days.

D. ITM automatically purges this database every 30 days.


Answer: D

The advantage for 000-886 training materials:

We provide the latest and the most effective questions and answers, under the premise of ensuring quality, we also offer the best price.

The most reliable ibm tivoli monitoring v5.1.1 to v5.1.2 implementation training materials and learning information!