the Oracle 1Z0-047 certifications
She highly recommended I go to the Oracle 1Z0-047 certifications. Because I studied computer science at the University. So, after I discuss it with her husband, decided to give it a try. But when I saw the large Oracle 1Z0-047 is, somewhat useful. I could hardly grasp the examination of point. So enter the Oracle exam Forum, copying the experience of others.
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMP table which is not partitioned and not an index- organized table. Evaluate the following SQL statement:
DROP COLUMN first_name;
Which two statements is true regarding the above command? (Choose two.)
A. The FIRST_NAME column would be dropped provided it does not contain any data.
B. The FIRST_NAME column would be dropped provided at least one or more columns remain in the table.
C. The FIRST_NAME column can be rolled back provided the SET UNUSED option is added to the above SQL statement.
D. The FIRST_NAME column can be dropped even if it is part of a composite PRIMARY KEY provided the CASCADE option is used.
Answer: BD
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