Microsoft 70-272 training material

25/10/2012 11:18

In fact, there are many, many customers like Miss Lee. While we are happy for them and will continue to do a good job our Microsoft and certification training, serving more IT people requires accreditation.

The study notes for 70-272 training were prepared very accurately. The well researched work helped me a lot. I did not have to spend time in looking through a bundle of books and hand outs, to get the right answers. I got everything prepared to the finest point. And the cherry on top, were the practice question and answer papers. I never knew they would be so close to the real exam. Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications. You have done a marvelous job.


You are a desktop support technician for your company. All client computers run Windows XP

Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and are part of a domain. A user reports that his

computer performs more slowly than usual. You display the processes in Windows Task

Manager. You discover that the CPU usage is 99 percent. In addition, you notice that

Msblast.exe is running as a service. You need to optimize the performance of the user's

computer. What should you instruct the user to do?

A. Restart the user??s computer by using the Last Known Good Configuration option.

B. Install updated antivirus signatures, and scan for known viruses.

C. Use Windows Task Manager to end the Msblast.exe process.

D. In Security Center, click Change the way Security Center alerts me, and select Virus


Answer: B 

My 70-272 Exam Was A Success wanted to pass Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications: Enterprise Messaging Administrator exam with a high percentage. But I was not getting time to study, because I was not at one place all the time. I have to travel to different cities because of my job, and that was making it difficult to study.

But this study material for 70-272 training material solved my problem. Its study package is portable and was very easy to use. I had it wherever I went. Now, I could study any time, any where, when I got the time. I passed my exam very easily. Thanks, for helping me out with your great service.