000-136 training material test
000-136 certification has become increasingly popular, in order to make themselves more competitive in this society, make more money, I decided to try. I select 000-136 training material test, it is a certification exam, I must have passed this exam will help me quickly promoted. But when we see a lot of learning materials, I am clueless, not know how to do, so I entered the professional forum of 000-136 ready to look at the experience of others.
1. Which view best displays the list of all callers and callees of a selected method?
A. Call Hierarchy
B. Hierarchy
C. Outline
D. Package Explorer
Answer: A
2. When creating a session bean, the default selection for the session bean is to create a remote client view instead of a local client view. This is because:
A. Even though a local client view is available, it is a best practice to never use a local client view in a session bean.
B. Session beans are normally used to implement facades, and as such, require remote interfaces as opposed to local interfaces.
C. A remote client view is easier to use.
D. Local client view for session beans has been deprecated.
Answer: B
3. A developer has closed a view in the Java perspective in the workbench. What can the developer select to recover the original Java perspective layout?
A. Window > Delete Perspective
B. Workbench > Use Defaults
C. Window > Reset Perspective
D. File > Recover Defaults
Answer: C